How To Prep For Lip Filler
Lip filler has been growing in popularity over the past few years. Unfortunately, there have been some images of lips being over-filled which can deter many from even considering the procedure, however, when injected properly and with expert injectors, lip filler can transform your facial balance (in a great way!) Call us to book your appointment today, 727-341-0337.
When it comes to lip fillers, there are some ways that you can prepare adequately.
We came up with a fool-proof way to make sure you prepare for your appointment to receive the best possible results:
- Planning ahead: Make sure that any dental procedures or facial services are at least two weeks out from your lip filler appointment. In addition, if you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, let your practitioner know that you are prone.
- 7-10 days prior: Avoid blood thinning over-the-counter medicines such as: aspirin, Motrin, ibuprofen, & Aleve. Avoid supplements such as: St. John’s Wort, primrose oil, Vitamin E.
- 2 days prior: Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, on the area to be treated. Avoid drinking alcohol beverages. Optional– Start taking Arnica, which will lessen bruising.
- Day of your appointment: Come in with a “clean face” – washed and without makeup!
Once your procedure is completed, we hope you’ll find the following image helpful in your post-procedural care: